--disable-http-caching possibly not working?

For disabling HTTP caching I’m supposed to start it up with the parameter --disable-http-caching .
Here’s how NSSM is set up for me:

D:\EventStore\EventStore.ClusterNode.exe --db=D:/EventStore/db --log=D:/EventStore/logs --run-projections=all --start-standard-projections --disable-http-caching --enable-trusted-auth

When looking at the network traffic however I don’t actually see any proof of this.
I logged from C# all the headers that’s part of the response:

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9376067+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [Connection, System.String[]] (f0376e2b)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9376705+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [Accept, System.String[]] (a2142e63)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9376957+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [Accept-Encoding, System.String[]] (263c6cca)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9377212+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [Accept-Language, System.String[]] (c93252e4)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9377420+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [Cookie, System.String[]] (6e5a28b5)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9377555+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [Host, System.String[]] (ff29a086)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9377952+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [Max-Forwards, System.String[]] (71708322)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9378189+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [Referer, System.String[]] (9f6868d2)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9378430+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [User-Agent, System.String[]] (6aff4b78)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9378576+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [X-Original-URL, System.String[]] (78d25347)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9378755+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [X-Forwarded-For, System.String[]] (68397a10)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9378897+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [X-ARR-LOG-ID, System.String[]] (91e79a88)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9379072+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [X-Original-For, System.String[]] (0dbfec6d)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9379185+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [X-Original-Proto, System.String[]] (284bfe94)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9379327+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [MS-ASPNETCORE-TOKEN, System.String[]] (71d0e765)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9379451+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [ES-TrustedAuth, System.String[]] (1b400c6d)

2018-11-20T22:44:45.9379597+01:00 0HLIF65HHINNF:00000004 [INF] HEADER: [ES-ResolveLinkTo, System.String[]] (5d825d43)
Fiddler informs me this in regards to caching:
"HTTP/200 responses are cacheable by default, unless Expires, Pragma, or Cache-Control headers are present and forbid caching.

This response does not specify explicit HTTP Cache Lifetime information and does not specify a Last-Modified date. Heuristic expiration is typically based on Last-Modified date. Lacking Last-Modified, this response may be revalidated on every use or once per browsing session, depending on the browser configuration.

This response contains neither an ETAG nor a Last-Modified time. This will prevent a Conditional Revalidation of this response."

Is there anything I’m doing wrong or is there something else I can check for?

I’m running EventStore version on Windows 10.

And here’s a typical query I’m making:

This is fair and I believe you are correct in that it currently removes the caching header but does not explicitly disable. I am putting up a card for this now.

