Hi, can someone give a good explanation of what the difference is between SQL and Event Store?
Can I implement Event Store in SQL?
Is Event Store a NoSQL database?
Can someone explain for me?
Can anyone give a good link/reference about this?
Hi, can someone give a good explanation of what the difference is between SQL and Event Store?
SQL is a query and data definition language normally (but not always) used with relational databases.
An event store (generically) stores data as a sequence of ordered facts about what happened over time.
Event Store (as usually discussed on this list) is a domain specific database which allows this to happen.
Can I implement Event Store in SQL?
You can implement an event store in several databases which use SQL as their query and data definition languages. There has been much written about this - also see NEventStore as a good example.
Is Event Store a NoSQL database?
Yes. It is a database and does not use SQL as it’s query or data definition language.
Is Event Store based on the CEP language or which language is it based on instead?
CEP (Complex Event Processing) is a set of concept, not a language. You can use JavaScript to do CEP inside the Event Store. However, when just using as an Event Store there is no querying model, and therefore no querying language.
So if I can implement an event store in serveral databases, how can I do that? Is it because some event stores supports SQL?
Implementing an event store using other things is off-topic for this list - it’s specifically about the Event Store product.