I’ve noticed that EventStore by default consumes quite a CPU. In my case this is ~13% without touching it (with fresh start). Anyone else experienced same? The reason I want to lower CPU usage is that I run other services like elasticsearch, mysql, … on my development environment and I’m just curious what it is doing and how I can lower CPU usage.
So here is how I’ve run it for test (note that I’ve deleted /mnt/eventstore-tmp before running run-node.sh)
./run-node.sh --db /mnt/eventstore-tmp/db --log /mnt/eventstore-tmp/logs --stats-period-sec 120 --run-projections NONE
EventStore info
▒ eventstore ./run-node.sh --version
EventStore version (release-v3.0.5/a9a82d955a0ac1db548b1873fa3be66923dc6032, Tue, 26 May 2015 18:51:16 +0000)
Ubuntu info:
▒ eventstore lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise
If any more info needed, please let me know.