Connecting to ES Cluster (Database Nodes)

I am attempting to set up a local ES cluster for doing some testing and have followed the tutorial on

However when I now try to connect to this using the connection string (discover://admin:[email protected]:2112) I am getting the following exception message

Failed to discover candidate in 10 attempts.

—> (Inner Exception #0) EventStore.ClientAPI.Exceptions.ClusterException: Failed to discover candidate in 10 attempts.

at EventStore.ClientAPI.Internal.ClusterDnsEndPointDiscoverer.<>c__DisplayClass1.b__0()

at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()

at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()<—

Along with getting framing errors in the ES console.

Can anyone offer any pointers on what I may be doing wrong.


Stuart Ferguson

Try port 2114 you are telling it to gossip to the TCP protocol port
(also why TCP is giving you framing errors as its receiving HTTP


Thanks for the quick reply.

So in the port in the connection string not the port that the client is connecting on

does this mean now I am connecting to ES over HTTP


discover:// uses gossip to discover the nodes ...
tcp:// connects directly to that ip.

Gossip runs over http.

One final query.

What will happen in the case the machine:port in the connection string is not available ?

Then it won't discover. There are multiple ways of specifying this.
You can also specify multiple discover ids on in the connection string
Its GossipSeeds=x.x.x.x:pppp,x.x.x.x:pppp IIRC but would have to
double check