I am attempting to set up a local ES cluster for doing some testing and have followed the tutorial on http://docs.geteventstore.com/server/3.9.0/cluster-without-manager-nodes/.
However when I now try to connect to this using the connection string (discover://admin:[email protected]:2112) I am getting the following exception message
Failed to discover candidate in 10 attempts.
—> (Inner Exception #0) EventStore.ClientAPI.Exceptions.ClusterException: Failed to discover candidate in 10 attempts.
at EventStore.ClientAPI.Internal.ClusterDnsEndPointDiscoverer.<>c__DisplayClass1.b__0()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()<—
Along with getting framing errors in the ES console.
Can anyone offer any pointers on what I may be doing wrong.
Stuart Ferguson