Config to start/stop

I have a startup configuration issue and wanted to know if I please get some help debugging the logs of getEventStore?

Running single instance on AWS server on Ubuntu 16.04 of GES
4.02 for software development. It works with a terminal run launch, not with a daemonized start/stop control.

This works–>

Installed: Running as
per If I load directly as per

****and I start as instructed at


./ --ext-ip Logs look normal, and
from a browser can hit and log in remotely as I have set my security groups
(that is in a non-backgrounded terminal window).

This is not working–>

Now instead: Trying to use the version recommended from
package cloud so I can run daemonized. Installed as per instructions from
It installs and loads without errors and
I can it start and stop (also without error messages), but cannot get to the login screen with the same
security groups, and the logs are reporting differences of versus , so I assume I have to change the configuration around.

Do I have to add options to the /etc/eventstore/eventstore.conf? The security group just whitelists each user IP on port 1113 and 2113.

Added ExtIp: and it works now like the other installation. Please advise on the “correct” way to set this up. ;-_) Thx

Yes add any options to your config file.

Thanks Greg. :slight_smile:

I was interested in what to set this for. I understand why ExtIp set to would work, and would work on your local machine, probably not in the cloud. Is the right setting the Public IP from AWS for ExtIp and the Private Address for AWS for IntIp? What if this was a cluster, are these lists (or different per server)? I was looking for a setup guide that addressed this. Something to detail this: Really sorry if I missed this somewhere in the docs. Thanks again. is loopback says to bind to all interfaces.

For what your external should be it completely depends on your networking setup. You should bind to whatever the local port is. You can then in AWS expose that port to the outside world if you want.

For internal/external EventStore in a cluster has a port that external clients connect to and a port that internal communications go over. It can be useful to segregate these to two different networks in some deployment scenarios (eg external is visible outside but internal is not).