Competing Consumers not showing on Web UI

I’ve just started to look at competing consumers and have written a small C# driver app to create and connect to a subscription group. It appears to be working with the events being handled and correct trace being logged by my console app. The Web UI stream browser shows the group within the $persistentSubscriptionConfig stream so I’m assuming all is ok. However there is nothing being displayed under the ‘Competing Consumers’ option of the Web UI.

Is there a command line flag that needs to be set when starting ES for this area to be enabled or could I be missing something else?

I’m running version

I have had similar issues with the Competing Consumers (but not able to replicate) where Streams don’t appear on the GUI, or other values don’t seem to make sense.
When I restart my ES and GUI, it seems to sort itself out.

If the Stream and Group are browsable, I would just accept that for now.

Hopefully you haven’t spent too much time on this :wink:


Are you getting events pushed over the subscription? Does the stream
that the subscription is tied to exist?

yes to both questions.

If you curl to

yournode:port/subscriptions and yournode:port/subscriptions/{name}
what do you get? (there is a restful API)

When I run ‘yournode:port/subscriptions’ I get the result shown below, however when I add the name I am receiving a 404 Not Found (using postman to hit the API)



“links”: [


“href”: “$stats-”,

“rel”: “detail”



“eventStreamId”: “$stats-”,

“groupName”: “statsGroup”,

“parkedMessageUri”: “$persistentsubscription-$stats-”,

“status”: “Live”,

“averageItemsPerSecond”: 0,

“totalItemsProcessed”: 3,

“lastProcessedEventNumber”: -1,

“lastKnownEventNumber”: 138,

“connectionCount”: 0,

“totalInFlightMessages”: 0



“links”: [


“href”: “$stats-”,

“rel”: “detail”



“eventStreamId”: “$stats-”,

“groupName”: “statsGroup1”,

“parkedMessageUri”: “$persistentsubscription-$stats-”,

“status”: “Live”,

“averageItemsPerSecond”: 0,

“totalItemsProcessed”: 31,

“lastProcessedEventNumber”: 29,

“lastKnownEventNumber”: 138,

“connectionCount”: 0,

“totalInFlightMessages”: 0



“links”: [


“href”: “$stats-”,

“rel”: “detail”



“eventStreamId”: “$stats-”,

“groupName”: “statsGroup2”,

“parkedMessageUri”: “$persistentsubscription-$stats-”,

“status”: “Live”,

“averageItemsPerSecond”: 0,

“totalItemsProcessed”: 2,

“lastProcessedEventNumber”: 44,

“lastKnownEventNumber”: 138,

“connectionCount”: 0,

“totalInFlightMessages”: 0



and when you go to ...$stats-


Also I think I see the issue $ not escaped.

I get the following when I go to$stats-


“links”: [


“href”: “$stats-”,

“rel”: “detail”



“href”: “$stats-”,

“rel”: “replayParked”



“config”: {

“resolveLinktos”: true,

“startFrom”: -1,

“messageTimeoutMilliseconds”: 30000,

“extraStatistics”: false,

“maxRetryCount”: 10,

“liveBufferSize”: 500,

“bufferSize”: 500,

“readBatchSize”: 20,

“preferRoundRobin”: true,

“checkPointAfterMilliseconds”: 2000,

“minCheckPointCount”: 10,

“maxCheckPointCount”: 1000,

“maxSubscriberCount”: 10,

“namedConsumerStrategy”: “RoundRobin”


“eventStreamId”: “$stats-”,

“groupName”: “statsGroup2”,

“status”: “Live”,

“averageItemsPerSecond”: 0,

“parkedMessageUri”: “$persistentsubscription-$stats-”,

“totalItemsProcessed”: 2,

“countSinceLastMeasurement”: 0,

“lastProcessedEventNumber”: 44,

“lastKnownEventNumber”: 149,

“readBufferCount”: 104,

“liveBufferCount”: 106,

“retryBufferCount”: 0,

“totalInFlightMessages”: 0,

“connections”: []


Could you possibly open up the developer tools in your browser and inspect the request/response from the competing consumers tab?

I just want to determine where the issue lies.


I'm betting this doesn't happen with a non-system stream (no $ in the name).

Still getting the same issue when I use a non-system stream (just to point out again, that the subscription and events are being handled, it appears to be a UI issue)

Here is the response body from the browser developer tools:



“links”: [


“href”: “”,

“rel”: “detail”



“eventStreamId”: “Sender-580ab977436c460791de40be59ad1c94”,

“groupName”: “senderGroup”,

“parkedMessageUri”: “$persistentsubscription-Sender-580ab977436c460791de40be59ad1c94::senderGroup-parked”,

“status”: “Live”,

“averageItemsPerSecond”: 0.0,

“totalItemsProcessed”: 2,

“lastProcessedEventNumber”: -1,

“lastKnownEventNumber”: 3,

“connectionCount”: 0,

“totalInFlightMessages”: 0



“links”: [


“href”: “”,

“rel”: “detail”



“eventStreamId”: “Sender-580ab977436c460791de40be59ad1c94”,

“groupName”: “senderGroup1”,

“parkedMessageUri”: “$persistentsubscription-Sender-580ab977436c460791de40be59ad1c94::senderGroup1-parked”,

“status”: “Live”,

“averageItemsPerSecond”: 0.0,

“totalItemsProcessed”: 1,

“lastProcessedEventNumber”: -1,

“lastKnownEventNumber”: 3,

“connectionCount”: 1,

“totalInFlightMessages”: 0



Ok, I randomly decided to open the Web UI in chrome and it worked.The issue however is still in IE.

Will have a look and fix in the next release! thanks for testing Chris!

No problem Pieter. Further update, it works in both Edge and Chrome with system streams ($stats- but still not in IE.

Thanks for the update Chris.

Do other streams e.g. "foo" have the same behaviour across browsers?

Yes they do Greg, certainly from what I have seen today.

