Each device has more information than it’s events(logs*) like readout data, configuration changes and so on, so number 4 would fail.
__*__Events in my scenario is like a log book. Maybe it will be clearer event == log
I’m thinking about making stream log-logTypeId and run a projection to link those to device-id-log-logTypeId, in that case it would be available to do :
1 get exact log by event type and deviceId: fromStream(“device-id-log-logTypeId”)
2 get all logs for given device - fromCategory(“device-id-log”)
3 get all logs of same type for all devices - fromStream(“log-logTypeId”),
4 get all logs for all devices - fromCategory(“log”)
Is it a better option? And how to get 4th in Yours example
BTW I saw that you can read category as a single stream in .NET API ($ce- )so i’m thinking of running a projection for all single device data and all it’s events. Can i write a projection using fromStreams(["$ce- ",“device-id” ])
Thanks in advance
2014 m. birželis 26 d., ketvirtadienis 15:49:40 UTC+3, James Nugent rašė:
Without some concrete examples it’s a bit hard to tell what would actually be required.
An important think to note is that subcategories are NOT currently supported. Either the first or last “-“ (or other delimiter as defined) are matched as the category name.
If you can post some more specific examples we might be able to give some more guidance.