Can't stop/delete custom projection


I try to stop/delete/edit my custom projection (that emit event) but I can’t do that from UI.

UI indicate me projection is stopped but in the “projections screen” they are running yet. And when i send event that catch by projection they catch the event.

When i want to update this projection, the UI say me OK, but the behaviour of the projection don’t change.
When i want to delete the projection the UI tell me i can’t.

When I restart geteventstore it change nothing.

My geteventstore version is 3.0.3.

Thx for your response.

There have been numerous fixes to projections since 3.0.3 and some of the fixes involving being able to delete projections. Would it be possible for you to upgrade to the latest version?

Yep, i should try this upgrade soon. Thx.

Are there any issue to upgrade geteventore from 3.0.3 to latest version ?
Or can I keep my db directory and juste launch new version fo the database on ?

You can just run the new version with same db

Ok cool thx.