Hi everyone! Has anyone experience with EventStore cluster inside Azure Service Fabric cluster? Because I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I use this article as the manual https://nick.barrett.org.nz/running-eventstore-on-service-fabric-v2-3cb086ad96e2
I got it working. I’m still trying to figure out how updates would work with Service Fabric.
I’ve already managed to work it to. But what do you mean about updates? EventStore updates? I think that for that you’ll need to change your GuestExecutable (if you run EventStore as GuestExecutable) and change its version inside Service and Application manifests accordingly. Then you should deploy your ServiceFabric application in upgrade mode. Did I understand you correctly or not?
понеділок, 19 березня 2018 р. 14:19:08 UTC+2 користувач Carl Tremblay написав: