as it is, i’m on a lenovo yoga with only 8GB of ram, and when ES3 starts, it’ll take all the memory available - about 1GB in my case.
Can I set this to a limit of something like 100 mb? on my dev box, we’re looking at very very small amounts of data, < 100k steam items.
Thank you!
Im guessing you are running windows?
Its the windows file cache using the memory not event store usually.
Easy options:
1) run dev (--unbuffered)
2) limit windows file cache
3) put ES on a drive with caching disabled.
what would that equate to in the eventstore.config file as a setting?
Which? The first for running dev branch with unbuffered io? I believe
its unbuffered : true (tip try out --what-if it will print your
effective config and where things come from)
Thanks for your time on this. Following the docs, if I add that (highlighted) line - the service can’t start - here is my basic config. when i remove the testing Unbuffered: True - the service comes alive.
#database and logs path
Db: D:\eventstore\db
Log: D:\eventstore\db-logs
ExtTcpPort: 4532
ExtHttpPort: 5500
Unbuffered: True
SkipDbVerify: True
#Run all projections
RunProjections: All
What version are you running. As I mention that feature is only on dev
not in 3.0.4etc
btw you also probably want to use -c 0 (it defines how many chunks we
cache by default 2).