i’m evaluating your Event Store system for our press release system written in PHP. So i’m fairly new to eventstore.
I managed to write a simple client for the http api to read and write on the events db using curl.
I wrote a lot of events on the stream and now i was wondering how i can get the projection of my aggregates back
to write them into my read model in redis or maybe mysql (legacy purpose).
For example consider the following event stream (in the real system there are much more of course):
ReleaseHasBeenDrafted -> Creates a release draft and hold initialized data (title, created time etc)
DispatchHasBeenScheduled -> Changes the scheduled dispatch date
TaskHasBeenAdded -> Adds a task and holds task data
TaskHasBeenFinished -> Change task status to finished
ReleaseHasBeenFinished -> Change status to finished when all tasks has been finished
How can replay the events of all streams and rebuild my full read model?
Can you give me a short example of how to use the projection api on my event stream to build my redis read model?