I want to host SingleNode EventStore in Azure VM. Everything works nicely but I’m a bit concerned that I need to specify machine internal IP address in config file.
AFAIK Azure fabric controller can re-provision my VM or the machine can be rebooted and internal IP can change.
I don’t really want to go into the pain of setting up a virtual network.
I wonder if it would be possible to bind Event Store to all interfaces?
If we were to do it internally it would be to bind to ipaddress.any usually which is hardcoded to is there maybe something azure specific here?
I have been running a single-node on an Azure Virtual machine for almost 8 months now, and the only IP-change I have experienced was when I changed the instance-size from small to medium (and back).
I know this does not answer your question, but at lest it should give you some comfort.
When allocating an external port on Virtual Machine, this does not enable the same port on VM, but rather on the Azure Load Balancer. Internal port number would be allocated to you by Azure Fabric and you would need to retrieve it from the runtime anyway (before passing to Event Store).
Stopping and starting Azure VM can now lead to IP address change.