Best practices for setting projection delimiters and definitions.

I have two basic questions I’m hoping to get some input on:

  1. Projection definitions: is there a a best practice for projection delimiters: is “-” better than “_” or does it not matter. Does anyone have experience using alternative delimiters (positive or negative)…any ‘gotchas’ I’m not thinking about if we head down the path of alternative delimiters?

  2. Is there an automated way to enable projection definitions since they are by default disabled? Also, is there an automated way to set projection definitions/delimiters instead of manually?

If anyone can point me to clarifying documentation, that would be a wonderful Christmas present. =)

Thanks so much!



  1. The default currently is obviously to use a ‘-’, however the projections that utilise this all have a configurable value and whether or not you want it to be split on the last/first occurrence of the found delimiter. As far as I know, no one has really changed this or had the need to. However there was a question previously on the list using different delimiters to solve a particular use case. Here is the thread as reference:!topic/event-store/h8E-JfnLLwE

  2. You can enable projections by setting the RunProjections: All as well as StartStandardProjections: true. These options are documented here: The javascript projections that you create, should projections be enabled should be enabled and run by default, so you don’t need to explicitly start them.

Thank you for the feedback Pieter - much appreciated!