Hi there.
I am trying to do get up in running with EventStoreDb on my local machine.
I prefer to do just the minimal things at the moment. I don’t want to use Docker and I don’t want to have to deal with certificates as I am only using my local machine just doing prototyping/proof of concept work.
I am using windows and installed EventStoreDb server on my machine using Chocolatey.
Unfortunately I dont get any success when following the documentation.
- I installed the server (i tried with 23.1.0 and 24.6)
- I followed the instructions on this page Getting started | EventStoreDB Documentation
- I followed this instruction: “When connecting to an insecure instance, specify tls=false parameter. For example, for a node running locally use esdb://localhost:2113?tls=false. Note that usernames and passwords aren’t provided there because insecure deployments don’t support authentication and authorisation. Creating a client”
However when I try to append to stream I randomly get one of two errors:
Either a RpcException: Status(StatusCode=“DeadlineExceeded”…
Status(StatusCode=“Unavailable”, Detail="Error starting gRPC call. HttpRequestException: An HTTP/2 connection could not be established because the server did not complete the HTTP/2 handshake. (InvalidResponse) HttpIOException: An HTTP/2 connection could not be established because the server did not complete the HTTP/2 handshake. (InvalidResponse) HttpIOException: The response ended prematurely.
Is someone able to assist me in using EventSotreDb without needing to use docker and even certificates as I am only using my local machine. Is this even possible?