I’m trying to give the new v20 of EventStore a go, but I’m having trouble getting connected.
I’m using the 20.6.0-rc-buster-slim Docker image in development mode (i.e. EVENTSTORE_DEV=True), and I’m using the new EventStore.Client.Grpc.Streams NuGet package and the following code as an example:
public static void Main()
using var client = new EventStoreClient(
new EventStoreClientSettings
ConnectivitySettings = new EventStoreClientConnectivitySettings
Address = new Uri("https://localhost:1113/")
var e = client.ReadAllAsync(Direction.Forwards, Position.Start)
However I’m getting an RPC exception on the ReadAllAsync line with the message ‘“Status(StatusCode=Internal, Detail=“Error starting gRPC call: The SSL connection could not be established”)”’.
I’m fairly sure this is something to do with the default security in this new release, but I’m a bit clueless as to what I should do to rectify it? I’m only looking to try the new APIs, so a workaround would be sufficient.
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Hey @jamiewinder_eventsto, you are right
The quickest way around this at the moment is to override the HttpClientHandler
in EventStoreClientSettings
with the following:
var settings = new EventStoreClientSettings {
CreateHttpMessageHandler = () =>
new HttpClientHandler {
ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback =
(message, certificate2, x509Chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true
ConnectivitySettings = {
Address = new Uri("https://localhost:2113")
Thanks for your reply, though I’ve tried it and it doesn’t appear to make a difference. I still get the same error. I think I may have got the port wrong in my original post (1113 rather than 2113?) but I’ve tried both and neither seem to work. Port 2113 fails with a different error (Status(StatusCode=DeadlineExceeded, Detail=") so presumably that’s the wrong port.
It should be 2113, could it be possible that you are trying to read from the ‘$all’ stream without providing credentials?
For example:
var e = await client.ReadAllAsync(
userCredentials: new UserCredentials("admin", "changeit")).ToArrayAsync();
Thanks again, I think I’m getting somewhere! I didn’t realise the credentials were now required for $all. Oddly adding those in the DefaultCredentials of the settings didn’t seem to make a difference, but adding them to the ReadAllAsync did.
I’m getting further, but I’m seeing a new exception now (again, on ReadAllAsync):
Google.Protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException: 'Merge an unknown field of end-group tag, indicating that the corresponding start-group was missing.'
I can raise this on Github if needed as I think I’m beyond the point of getting connected!
What exact version of the client and server are you using? As this sounds like it might be a compatibility issue
For the server, I’m using the 20.6.0-rc-buster-slim image.
For the client, I was using [email protected] (from today, June 9th). I’ve just downgraded it to 20.6.0-rc, and so far that seems to be behaving more consistently now, including eliminating an intermittent ‘DeadlineExceeded’ error I was getting randomly.
Thanks for your help, really appreciated.
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