Any official updated docs on projections and queries?

Hello guys.

Are there any up to date docs on how to write queries and projections? Currently, the docs point to a collection of posts, but I’d like to know if there is any official docs on how to write queries and projections. The lack of documentation has been one of the things that has really slowed me down…




That would be because they are not supported features as of this time
they are in beta

Hello Greg.

That would be because they are not supported features as of this time

they are in beta

But wouldn’t it be cool to have “beta docs” for projections too? :slight_smile:

btw, what really wastes my time is that somethings things get stuck… for instance, after running a query, when you change it and run it again it keeps saying that it can’t run it due to an error…most of the time, i have to restart the service to rerun it…the same things happens to projections (creating, updating or deleting) …

anyways, keep up the good work.


There are some beta docs laying around not sure if they have been migrated… ill look into it.

