I’d like to announce my Event Store TCP client written in Haskell. It licensed under BSD3.
You can find the source on Github. Package is available on Hackage.
Here’s a list of supported features:
Single event writes.
Batch writes.
Transactional writes.
Stream deletion.
Single event reads.
Range reads from regular streams and from $all stream (backward and forward).
Volatile subscriptions (regular stream and $all).
Catch-up subscriptions (regular stream and $all).
Authenticated connection.
Will be implemented: -
Persistent subscriptions.
SSL connection.
Please tell me if I missed some other important features. I originally wrote that library because I need it for a real project,
so it will be maintained. I only implemented features I need first. Feel free to open a ticket (or better a pull request) on Github for something you need or a bug you’ve experienced. I’ll be as fast as I can.
Few notes on the code itself. This implementation uses a Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) library named Sodium. Connection bookkeeping (operation and subscription management for instance)
was amazingly easy to implement with it.
I only tested that library with EventStore 3.0.1.
Hope you enjoy it.