All projection are in Creating status

I’m not entirely sure I know what I’ve done, but now, all projections are in the “Creating” status from the admin console. This includes all the projections starting with $.
Interesting when i click on “See all streams!” all I get on screen is “null”, and an error reported by SingleNode process “couldn’t find system stream $streams, which should’ve been created with projection ‘Index By Streams’”

Any ideas how I can blow away all the data/configuration as deleting the data folder and log folder isn’t doing this?


All the system projections are not enabled by default. The “creating” status was due to an error in older builds (probably still in master branch). Can you try enabling/starting all the system projections from Web UI?


When I enabled them all, all are now in a “Faulted” status with a popup response
“There was some errors:
Error when posting to projection ‘foo’
Reason: Not disabled
Error when posting to projection ‘$by_event_type’
Reason: Not disabled
Error when posting to projection ‘$by_category’
Reason: Not disabled
Error when posting to projection ‘$streams’
Reason: Not disabled
Error when posting to projection ‘$stream_by_category’
Reason: Not disabled”

The Node reported

Handler type:


Object reference not set to an instance of an object’
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at EventStore.Projections.Core.Services.Management.ProjectionStateHandlerFactory.Create
(System.String factoryType, System.String source, Syste
m.Action`1 logger) [0x00000] in :0

at EventStore.Projections.Core.Services.Management.ManagedProjection+c__AnonStorey9.<>m__A
() [0x00000] in <filename unk

[PID:5254 2013.01.10 21:08:39.901 Error ProjectionManager 18]
The ‘$by_category’ projection faulted due to 'Cannot create a projection state handler.

Handler type:


Object reference not set to an instance of an object’
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at EventStore.Projections.Core.Services.Management.ProjectionStateHandlerFactory.Create
(System.String factoryType, System.String source, Syste
m.Action`1 logger) [0x00000] in :0

at EventStore.Projections.Core.Services.Management.ManagedProjection+c__AnonStorey9.<>m__A
() [0x00000] in <filename unk

[PID:5254 2013.01.10 21:08:39.902 Error ProjectionManager 17]
The ‘$streams’ projection faulted due to 'Cannot create a projection state handler.

Handler type:


Object reference not set to an instance of an object’
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at EventStore.Projections.Core.Services.Management.ProjectionStateHandlerFactory.Create
(System.String factoryType, System.String source, Syste
m.Action`1 logger) [0x00000] in :0

at EventStore.Projections.Core.Services.Management.ManagedProjection+c__AnonStorey9.<>m__A
() [0x00000] in <filename unk

What version of ES do you run? Do you build it or download binaries?

I built from source so I’d guess the master branch, (I must be blind because I still can’t see a download section at githib). I’m running it on mono 3 on ubuntu 12.10.

It all ran fine yesterday, but I’ve been poking around at things and must have deleted half of something and not all of it at a filesystem level.
What is the easiest way to reset all teh data?

This is very interesting:

The ‘$by_category’ projection faulted due to 'Cannot create a projection state handler. 'Object reference not set…" exception shows that your build doe snot include all the classes.

It is not easy to remove part of DB and still have it running.

Try making fresh git clone aside and check if it works on empty DB. If it does, try pointing new build to old db.


I’ll rebuild everything and let you know how it goes.

I took a shortcut, finally found the downloads, downloaded 9.2 and ran that using its own data and log path and the same errors are occuring.

Do you get the same exceptions? it is fine that it shows projections as creating, but they should start on request from UI.

I’m going to try myself on ubuntu with mono 3 from downloads.

Ever attempt to send you the logs just fails. Tryied 10 times but google just keeps deleting the posts so I can’t do that for you.

I got mono from an apt repo
deb /

See if that changes anything for you.

I downloaded the binaries and ran into the exact same problem. I tried enabling/disabling, etc. I could not get the system projections to work at all, but my own projections worked.

I also couldn’t find the downloads section AT ALL. Maybe it’s because I’m not logged in to GitHub (no account). I ended up just taking a guess and putting /download onto the EventStore main URL and that worked.

I dropped the VM and rebuilt the whole thing. Was much easier then trying to figure out what I’d screwed up.

How do you drop the VM? Mine was a fresh out of zip with no database or logs yet. (until I started it the first time).

I literally
deleted the whole vm,
re-installed the OS (Ubuntu 12.10 x64 server in my case)
apt-get install mono-complete
download tar package for x64
extracted tar
wrote a basic shell script to start the process as follows

#! /bin/sh
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/event-store/bin"
mono --gc=sgen /opt/event-store/bin/EventStore.SingleNode.exe --db data --logsdir logs

I noticed without the export there would be random js1 errors, which i learnt the fix for by reading!topic/event-store/tNsfqM__1-k

Oh, I was thinking of the vnode in Event Store. I’m running on windows 8 x64.

Can you describe what you installed as?

I just unzipped and manually ran the SingleNode executable from the command line as Administrator. I was able to post messages using the command line client and read streams.

Unzipped and ran from where (recent changes with github) what’s not working?

Downloaded from link below, unzipped, started an admin command prompt from the downloads folder.…

Just the system projections were not working. They always stayed in the created state. When I tried to enable/disable, they gave a crash message. Here’s the startup output.

Z:\Downloads\eventstore…\eventstore>EventStore.SingleNode.exe --db db --logsdir logs

[14232,01,04:11:40.145] LOGS DIRECTORY : logs

Windows .NET

LOGSDIR : logs

IP :

TCP PORT : 1113

HTTP PORT : 2113



DB PATH : db



[14232,01,04:11:40.732] CACHED TFChunk #0 at chunk-000000.000000 in 00:00:00.3888149.

[14232,01,04:11:41.599] Starting MiniWeb for /web ==> Z:\Downloads\eventstore…\eventstore\singlenode-web

[14232,01,04:11:41.599] Starting MiniWeb for /web/es ==> Z:\Downloads\eventstore…\eventstore\es-common-web

[14232,01,04:11:41.599] Binding Mini Web to /web/{*remaining_path}

[14232,01,04:11:41.599] Binding Mini Web to /web/es/{*remaining_path}

[14232,01,04:11:41.633] Starting MiniWeb for /web/es/js/projections/v8/Prelude ==> Z:\Downloads\eventstore…\eventstore\Prelude

[14232,01,04:11:41.637] Binding Mini Web to /web/es/js/projections/v8/Prelude/{*remaining_path}

[14232,22,04:11:41.637] ========= SystemInit: SingleVNodeController =========

[14232,22,04:11:41.659] Starting http server on [].

[14232,22,04:11:41.659] http up and listening on []

[14232,22,04:11:41.879] ========= SystemStart: SingleVNodeController =========

[14232,22,04:11:41.888] Starting TCP listening on TCP endpoint:

[14232,22,04:11:41.888] [] IS WORKING!!! SPARTA!!!111

[14232,27,04:11:41.906] Resuming event distribution 4782cc67-b4b9-41f2-a198-2a1b8cf35bb2 at ‘13774593/-1’

[14232,25,04:11:41.906] Resuming event distribution c5911de2-f29c-404a-a37f-d2dad5d5d797 at ‘13774593/-1’

[14232,26,04:11:41.906] Resuming event distribution 34f7ecf7-1eac-461b-a198-d5c7c3c65ff4 at ‘13774593/-1’

[14232,24,04:11:41.950] Projection manager did not find any projection configuration records in the $projections-$by_event_type stream. Projection stays in CREATING state

[14232,24,04:11:41.950] Projection manager did not find any projection configuration records in the $projections-$stream_by_category stream. Projection stays in CREATING state

[14232,24,04:11:41.950] Projection manager did not find any projection configuration records in the $projections-$streams stream. Projection stays in CREATING state

[14232,24,04:11:41.950] Projection manager did not find any projection configuration records in the $projections-$by_category stream. Projection stays in CREATING state

[14232,26,04:11:42.176] Pausing event distribution 34f7ecf7-1eac-461b-a198-d5c7c3c65ff4 at ‘13775014/13774890’[14232,27,04:11:42.176] Pausing event distribution 4782cc67-b4b9-41f2-a198-2a1b8cf35bb2 at ‘13775014/13774890’

[14232,25,04:11:42.176] Pausing event distribution c5911de2-f29c-404a-a37f-d2dad5d5d797 at ‘13775014/13774890’

Disable results in:

[14232,24,04:16:02.399] Disabling ‘$by_event_type’ projection

[14232,24,04:16:02.399] Error while processing message EventStore.Projections.Core.Messages.ProjectionManagementMessage+Disable in queued handler ‘ProjectionManager’.

Cannot stop a projection in the ‘Creating’ state

[14232,24,04:16:02.399] Disabling ‘$by_category’ projection

[14232,24,04:16:02.399] Error while processing message EventStore.Projections.Core.Messages.ProjectionManagementMessage+Disable in queued handler ‘ProjectionManager’.

Cannot stop a projection in the ‘Creating’ state

[14232,24,04:16:02.399] Disabling ‘$stream_by_category’ projection

[14232,24,04:16:02.399] Error while processing message EventStore.Projections.Core.Messages.ProjectionManagementMessage+Disable in queued handler ‘ProjectionManager’.

Cannot stop a projection in the ‘Creating’ state

[14232,24,04:16:02.399] Disabling ‘$streams’ projection

[14232,24,04:16:02.399] Error while processing message EventStore.Projections.Core.Messages.ProjectionManagementMessage+Disable in queued handler ‘ProjectionManager’.

Cannot stop a projection in the ‘Creating’ state

Then Enable results in (extra white space removed):

[14232,24,04:17:42.723] Enabling ‘$by_event_type’ projection

[14232,24,04:17:42.723] Enabling ‘$by_category’ projection

[14232,24,04:17:42.723] Enabling ‘$stream_by_category’ projection

[14232,24,04:17:42.723] Enabling ‘$streams’ projection

[14232,27,04:17:42.723] The ‘$stream_by_category’ projection faulted due to 'Cannot create a projection state handler.

Handler type:



Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

[14232,26,04:17:42.723] The ‘$by_category’ projection faulted due to 'Cannot create a projection state handler.

Handler type:



Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

[14232,25,04:17:42.723] The ‘$by_event_type’ projection faulted due to 'Cannot create a projection state handler.

Handler type:



Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

[14232,25,04:17:42.723] The ‘$streams’ projection faulted due to 'Cannot create a projection state handler.

Handler type:



Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

[14232,24,04:17:42.733] The ‘$stream_by_category’ projection faulted due to ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’

[14232,24,04:17:42.733] The ‘$by_category’ projection faulted due to ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’

[14232,24,04:17:42.733] The ‘$by_event_type’ projection faulted due to ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’

[14232,24,04:17:42.733] The ‘$streams’ projection faulted due to ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’

Also when I try to use the chat example app on the web interface, it gives me a javascript error every second, although it appears to still work.

Like I said, posting and reading message from the test client works fine. I haven’t used the .NET client api yet. I was just putting messages in to test what kind of projections I could create.
