[PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:31.379 INFO ProgramBase`1 ] ES VERSION: (release-v3.2.0/8bbb131e974defb4032f7a121bfc077124a4be8a, Sun, 6 Sep 2015 16:35:47 -0400) OS: Windows (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0) RUNTIME: .NET 4.0.30319.34209 (64-bit) GC: 3 GENERATIONS LOGS: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\EventStore-OSS-Win-v3.2.0\logs MODIFIED OPTIONS: DB: ./db (Command Line) LOG: ./logs (Command Line) RUN PROJECTIONS: all (Command Line) DEFAULT OPTIONS: HELP: False () VERSION: False () CONFIG: () DEFINES: () WHAT IF: False () DEVELOPMENT MODE: False () MONO MIN THREADPOOL SIZE: 10 () INT IP: () EXT IP: () INT HTTP PORT: 2112 () EXT HTTP PORT: 2113 () INT TCP PORT: 1112 () INT SECURE TCP PORT: 0 () EXT TCP PORT: 1113 () EXT SECURE TCP PORT: 0 () EXT IP ADVERTISE AS: () EXT TCP PORT ADVERTISE AS: 0 () EXT HTTP PORT ADVERTISE AS: 0 () INT IP ADVERTISE AS: () INT TCP PORT ADVERTISE AS: 0 () INT HTTP PORT ADVERTISE AS: 0 () INT TCP HEARTBEAT TIMEOUT: 700 () EXT TCP HEARTBEAT TIMEOUT: 1000 () INT TCP HEARTBEAT INTERVAL: 700 () EXT TCP HEARTBEAT INTERVAL: 2000 () FORCE: False () CLUSTER SIZE: 1 () NODE PRIORITY: 0 () MIN FLUSH DELAY MS: 2 () COMMIT COUNT: -1 () PREPARE COUNT: -1 () ADMIN ON EXT: True () STATS ON EXT: True () GOSSIP ON EXT: True () DISABLE SCAVENGE MERGING: False () DISCOVER VIA DNS: True () CLUSTER DNS: fake.dns () CLUSTER GOSSIP PORT: 30777 () GOSSIP SEED: () STATS PERIOD SEC: 30 () CACHED CHUNKS: -1 () CHUNKS CACHE SIZE: 536871424 () MAX MEM TABLE SIZE: 1000000 () MEM DB: False () SKIP DB VERIFY: False () PROJECTION THREADS: 3 () WORKER THREADS: 5 () INT HTTP PREFIXES: () EXT HTTP PREFIXES: () ENABLE TRUSTED AUTH: False () ADD INTERFACE PREFIXES: True () CERTIFICATE STORE LOCATION: () CERTIFICATE STORE NAME: () CERTIFICATE SUBJECT NAME: () CERTIFICATE THUMBPRINT: () CERTIFICATE FILE: () CERTIFICATE PASSWORD: () USE INTERNAL SSL: False () SSL TARGET HOST: n/a () SSL VALIDATE SERVER: True () AUTHENTICATION TYPE: internal () PREPARE TIMEOUT MS: 2000 () COMMIT TIMEOUT MS: 2000 () UNSAFE DISABLE FLUSH TO DISK: False () INDEX CACHE DEPTH: 16 () GOSSIP INTERVAL MS: 1000 () GOSSIP ALLOWED DIFFERENCE MS: 60000 () GOSSIP TIMEOUT MS: 500 () ENABLE HISTOGRAMS: False () [PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:31.836 INFO ProgramBase`1 ] Quorum size set to 1 [PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:31.871 INFO ProgramBase`1 ] Cannot find plugins path: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\EventStore-OSS-Win-v3.2.0\plugins [PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:32.169 INFO ProgramBase`1 ] INSTANCE ID: 58a730c8-19b3-4784-b317-d89a45afe5de DATABASE: ./db WRITER CHECKPOINT: 0 (0x0) CHASER CHECKPOINT: 0 (0x0) EPOCH CHECKPOINT: -1 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) TRUNCATE CHECKPOINT: -1 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) [PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:32.694 TRACE MessageHierarchy ] MessageHierarchy initialization took 00:00:00.2776935. [PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:33.227 TRACE TFChunk ] CACHED TFChunk #0-0 (chunk-000000.000000) in 00:00:00.0082225. [PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:34.028 INFO MiniWeb ] Starting MiniWeb for /web/es/js/projections ==> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\EventStore-OSS-Win-v3.2.0\projections [PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:34.028 INFO MiniWeb ] Starting MiniWeb for /web/es/js/projections/v8/Prelude ==> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\EventStore-OSS-Win-v3.2.0\Prelude [PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:34.061 TRACE MiniWeb ] Binding MiniWeb to /web/es/js/projections/{*remaining_path} [PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:34.061 TRACE MiniWeb ] Binding MiniWeb to /web/es/js/projections/v8/Prelude/{*remaining_path} [PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:34.121 INFO MiniWeb ] Starting MiniWeb for /web ==> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\EventStore-OSS-Win-v3.2.0\clusternode-web [PID:04000:001 2015.09.10 12:59:34.121 TRACE MiniWeb ] Binding MiniWeb to /web/{*remaining_path} [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.238 INFO ClusterVNodeControll] ========== [] SYSTEM INIT... [PID:04000:013 2015.09.10 12:59:34.417 INFO IndexCommitter ] TableIndex initialization... [PID:04000:013 2015.09.10 12:59:34.438 INFO IndexCommitter ] ReadIndex building... [PID:04000:013 2015.09.10 12:59:34.468 DEBUG IndexCommitter ] ReadIndex rebuilding done: total processed 0 records, time elapsed: 00:00:00.0280034. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.572 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: SystemInit - 248ms. Handler: StorageChaser. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.639 INFO TcpServerListener ] Starting Normal TCP listening on TCP endpoint: [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.639 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: SystemInit - 72ms. Handler: TcpService. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.710 INFO HttpAsyncServer ] Starting HTTP server on [,http://localhost:2113/]... [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.804 INFO HttpAsyncServer ] HTTP server is up and listening on [,http://localhost:2113/] [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.804 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: SystemInit - 160ms. Handler: HttpService. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.856 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: SystemInit - 641ms. Q: 0/6. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.856 INFO ClusterVNodeControll] ========== [] Service 'StorageReader' initialized. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.856 INFO ClusterVNodeControll] ========== [] Service 'StorageWriter' initialized. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.856 INFO ClusterVNodeControll] ========== [] Service 'StorageChaser' initialized. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.866 INFO ClusterVNodeControll] ========== [] SYSTEM START... [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.901 INFO ClusterVNodeControll] ========== [] IS UNKNOWN... [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.958 DEBUG ElectionsService ] ELECTIONS: STARTING ELECTIONS. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.958 DEBUG ElectionsService ] ELECTIONS: (V=0) SHIFT TO LEADER ELECTION. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.958 DEBUG ElectionsService ] ELECTIONS: (V=0) VIEWCHANGE FROM [, {58a730c8-19b3-4784-b317-d89a45afe5de}]. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.958 DEBUG ElectionsService ] ELECTIONS: (V=0) MAJORITY OF VIEWCHANGE. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.958 DEBUG ElectionsService ] ELECTIONS: (V=0) SHIFT TO PREPARE PHASE. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.992 DEBUG ElectionsService ] ELECTIONS: (V=0) PREPARE_OK FROM [,{58a730c8-19b3-4784-b317-d89a45afe5de}](L=-1,W=0,C=0,E-1@-1:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}). [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:34.992 DEBUG ElectionsService ] ELECTIONS: (V=0) SHIFT TO REG_LEADER. [PID:04000:008 2015.09.10 12:59:35.063 DEBUG PersistentSubscripti] Subscriptions received state change to Unknown stopping listening. [PID:04000:008 2015.09.10 12:59:35.091 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [PersistentSubscriptionsBus]: BecomeUnknown - 80ms. Handler: PersistentSubscriptionService. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:35.240 DEBUG ElectionsService ] ELECTIONS: (V=0) SENDING PROPOSAL CANDIDATE: [,{58a730c8-19b3-4784-b317-d89a45afe5de}](L=-1,W=0,C=0,E-1@-1:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}), ME: [,{58a730c8-19b3-4784-b317-d89a45afe5de}](L=-1,W=0,C=0,E-1@-1:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}). [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:35.282 DEBUG ElectionsService ] ELECTIONS: (V=0) ACCEPT FROM [,{58a730c8-19b3-4784-b317-d89a45afe5de}] M=[,{58a730c8-19b3-4784-b317-d89a45afe5de}]). [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:35.282 INFO ElectionsService ] ELECTIONS: (V=0) DONE. ELECTED MASTER = [,{58a730c8-19b3-4784-b317-d89a45afe5de}](L=-1,W=0,C=0,E-1@-1:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}). ME=[,{58a730c8-19b3-4784-b317-d89a45afe5de}](L=-1,W=0,C=0,E-1@-1:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}). [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:35.286 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: StartElections - 381ms. Handler: ElectionsService. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:35.286 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: StartElections - 381ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:35.286 INFO ClusterVNodeControll] ========== [] PRE-MASTER STATE, WAITING FOR CHASER TO CATCH UP... [PID:04000:008 2015.09.10 12:59:35.349 DEBUG PersistentSubscripti] Subscriptions received state change to PreMaster stopping listening. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:35.388 INFO ClusterVNodeControll] ========== [] IS MASTER... [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:35.579 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: Starting - 185ms. Handler: ProjectionManagerResponseReader. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:35.579 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: Starting - 186ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:008 2015.09.10 12:59:35.833 DEBUG PersistentSubscripti] Subscriptions Became Master so now handling subscriptions [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:36.163 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 321ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:36.163 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 322ms. Q: 2/7. [PID:04000:009 2015.09.10 12:59:36.672 DEBUG EpochManager ] === Writing E0@0:{ce97825e-0ee6-4635-ba77-6afa1f9e5cf1} (previous epoch at -1). [PID:04000:009 2015.09.10 12:59:37.083 DEBUG EpochManager ] === Update Last Epoch E0@0:{ce97825e-0ee6-4635-ba77-6afa1f9e5cf1} (previous epoch at -1). [PID:04000:009 2015.09.10 12:59:37.083 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageWriterQueue]: BecomeMaster - 1503ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:38.058 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: WriteEventsCompleted - 65ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:38.058 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: WriteEventsCompleted - 67ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:38.829 INFO UserManagementServic] 'admin' user account has been created. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:38.829 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: WriteEventsCompleted - 57ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:38.829 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: WriteEventsCompleted - 57ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 12:59:38.918 INFO UserManagementServic] 'admin' user added to $users. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:39.021 INFO ProjectionManager ] Projection manager is initializing from the empty $projections-$all stream [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:39.050 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 87ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:39.050 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 87ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:39.154 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: WriteEventsCompleted - 53ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:39.154 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: WriteEventsCompleted - 53ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:39.261 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 107ms. Handler: ProjectionManagerCommandWriter. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:39.293 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: CreateAndPrepare - 139ms. Q: 0/6. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 12:59:39.557 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: ReadStreamEventsForwardCompleted - 129ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 12:59:39.557 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: ReadStreamEventsForwardCompleted - 129ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 12:59:39.833 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 275ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 12:59:39.833 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 276ms. Q: 1/5. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 12:59:39.867 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 215ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 12:59:39.867 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 215ms. Q: 1/5. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 12:59:39.925 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: StatisticsReport - 91ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreResponseWriter. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 12:59:39.925 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: StatisticsReport - 91ms. Q: 10/11. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 12:59:40.031 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: WriteEventsCompleted - 49ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 12:59:40.031 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: WriteEventsCompleted - 49ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:007 2015.09.10 12:59:40.167 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MonitoringQueue]: SystemInit - 5835ms. Q: 0/6. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:40.265 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: Prepared - 61ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:40.265 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: Prepared - 61ms. Q: 5/6. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:40.309 INFO ProjectionManager ] '$by_category' projection source has been written [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:40.373 INFO ProjectionManager ] '$stream_by_category' projection source has been written [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:40.373 INFO ProjectionManager ] '$by_event_type' projection source has been written [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 12:59:40.373 INFO ProjectionManager ] '$streams' projection source has been written [PID:04000:017 2015.09.10 12:59:40.403 TRACE MonitoringService ] Created stats stream '$stats-', code = Success [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 12:59:40.540 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CheckpointLoaded - 85ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 12:59:40.544 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CheckpointLoaded - 89ms. Q: 0/3. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:01:32.458 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: GetStatistics - 91ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:01:32.458 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: GetStatistics - 91ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:023 2015.09.10 13:01:32.458 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [Worker #3 Bus]: AuthenticatedHttpRequestMessage - 220ms. Handler: AuthenticatedHttpRequestProcessor. [PID:04000:023 2015.09.10 13:01:32.458 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Worker #3]: AuthenticatedHttpRequestMessage - 220ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:01:42.255 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 163ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:01:42.255 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 163ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:01:42.312 INFO ProjectionManager ] 'AllSales' projection source has been written [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:01:42.528 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: ProgressChanged - 68ms. Handler: Subscriber`1. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:01:42.528 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: ProgressChanged - 68ms. Q: 1/2. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:01:43.030 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: GetQuery - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:01:43.030 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: GetQuery - 49ms. Q: 3/3. [PID:04000:023 2015.09.10 13:01:52.589 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageReaderQueue #2]: ReadAllEventsBackward - 237ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:02:02.798 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:02:02.798 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:02:02.813 INFO ProjectionManager ] 'AllGroups' projection source has been written [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:02:02.892 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: Subscribe - 66ms. Handler: EventReaderCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:02:02.892 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: Subscribe - 66ms. Q: 0/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:02:02.942 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 49ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:02:02.942 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 49ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:018 2015.09.10 13:09:06.278 INFO TcpService ] External TCP connection accepted: [Normal,, L127.0.0.1:1113, {93ab6c47-47c9-4fa2-a9cb-ddc5ecf4fbbc}]. [PID:04000:022 2015.09.10 13:09:07.944 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [Worker #2 Bus]: TcpSend - 375ms. Handler: TcpSendService. [PID:04000:022 2015.09.10 13:09:07.944 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Worker #2]: TcpSend - 376ms. Q: 9/9. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:09:08.686 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 147ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:09:08.686 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 147ms. Q: 0/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:09:08.821 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 92ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:09:08.821 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 92ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:09:09.489 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 385ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:09:09.489 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 385ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:09:23.816 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:09:23.816 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 56ms. Q: 2/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:10:33.985 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: StatisticsReport - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreResponseWriter. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:10:33.985 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: StatisticsReport - 49ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:004 2015.09.10 13:10:38.215 INFO TcpService ] External TCP connection accepted: [Normal,, L127.0.0.1:1113, {ec35e3f6-4e98-4b77-bcdc-7e4b1ec10acf}]. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:10:40.781 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:10:40.781 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:10:40.983 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CheckpointCompleted - 51ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:10:40.983 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CheckpointCompleted - 51ms. Q: 2/8. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:10:42.229 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 100ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:10:42.229 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 100ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:10:48.309 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 53ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:10:48.309 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:10:49.069 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:10:49.069 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:10:52.248 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 80ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:10:52.248 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 80ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:10:53.028 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:10:53.028 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:10:54.685 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:10:54.685 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:10:55.358 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:10:55.358 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:02.729 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:02.729 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:11:03.327 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:11:03.327 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:11:05.198 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:11:05.198 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:09.575 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:09.575 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:11:11.592 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:11:11.592 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:16.803 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 51ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:16.803 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 51ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:11:19.838 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 51ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:11:19.872 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 85ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:021 2015.09.10 13:11:22.308 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageReaderQueue #4]: ReadStreamEventsBackward - 203ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:11:23.285 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:11:23.285 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:26.206 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 67ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:26.206 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 67ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:024 2015.09.10 13:11:27.543 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageReaderQueue #4]: ReadEvent - 442ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:11:30.428 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:11:30.428 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:31.568 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 121ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:31.568 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 122ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:42.422 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:42.422 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:45.339 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:45.340 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:51.587 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:51.587 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:54.345 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:54.345 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:11:55.740 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:11:55.740 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:11:56.364 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:11:56.364 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:010 2015.09.10 13:11:56.422 TRACE TcpConnectionManager] Closing connection 'external-normal' [, L127.0.0.1:1113, {93ab6c47-47c9-4fa2-a9cb-ddc5ecf4fbbc}] cleanly. Reason: HEARTBEAT TIMEOUT at msgNum 5673 [PID:04000:010 2015.09.10 13:11:56.479 INFO TcpConnection ] ES TcpConnection closed [13:11:56.427: N127.0.0.1:55048, L127.0.0.1:1113, {93ab6c47-47c9-4fa2-a9cb-ddc5ecf4fbbc}]: Received bytes: 2206327, Sent bytes: 10048738 Send calls: 5651, callbacks: 5651 Receive calls: 5674, callbacks: 5673 Close reason: [Success] HEARTBEAT TIMEOUT at msgNum 5673 [PID:04000:010 2015.09.10 13:11:56.510 INFO TcpConnectionManager] Connection 'external-normal' [, {93ab6c47-47c9-4fa2-a9cb-ddc5ecf4fbbc}] closed: Success. [PID:04000:008 2015.09.10 13:11:56.562 DEBUG PersistentSubscripti] Lost connection from [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:11:58.970 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:11:58.970 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:59.725 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:11:59.725 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:00.876 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:00.876 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:02.197 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:02.197 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:03.890 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 53ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:03.890 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 53ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:020 2015.09.10 13:12:04.246 INFO TcpService ] External TCP connection accepted: [Normal,, L127.0.0.1:1113, {7ceefbd9-8d8b-46ab-8873-cbcb3d340be6}]. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:04.302 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:04.302 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:12:11.518 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: GetStatistics - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:12:11.518 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: GetStatistics - 50ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:11.792 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:11.792 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:12.220 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:12.220 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:12.571 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:12.571 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:13.828 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 107ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:13.828 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 107ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:18.457 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:18.458 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 51ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:19.743 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:19.743 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 58ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:19.966 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:19.966 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:21.087 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:21.087 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:21.986 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 53ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:21.986 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 53ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:22.562 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:22.562 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:22.931 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:22.931 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:25.710 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:25.710 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:25.938 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:25.938 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:26.481 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 68ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:26.481 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 69ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:28.354 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:28.354 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:32.119 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:32.119 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:32.613 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:32.613 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:008 2015.09.10 13:12:36.704 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageReaderQueue #2]: ReadAllEventsBackward - 352ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:37.277 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:37.277 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:40.724 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 138ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:40.724 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 138ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:41.124 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:41.124 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:41.607 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:41.608 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:12:42.651 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: RegularTimeout - 139ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreCoordinator. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:12:42.747 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: RegularTimeout - 412ms. Q: 0/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:43.834 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 90ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:43.834 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 90ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:44.827 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:44.827 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:46.239 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:46.239 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:47.245 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 63ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:47.245 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 63ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:48.631 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:48.631 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:50.823 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:12:50.823 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:53.840 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:53.840 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:58.006 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:12:58.006 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:59.606 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:12:59.606 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:03.238 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:03.238 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:13:04.355 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:13:04.355 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:08.581 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:08.581 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:13:22.208 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:13:22.208 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:24.738 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:24.738 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:25.041 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 86ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:25.041 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 86ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:32.962 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:32.962 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:35.155 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:35.155 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:37.823 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:37.823 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:39.230 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:39.230 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:13:43.136 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: RegularTimeout - 101ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreCoordinator. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:13:43.136 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: RegularTimeout - 101ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:13:43.388 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:13:43.388 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:43.924 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 78ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:43.924 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 78ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:021 2015.09.10 13:13:45.740 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [Worker #5 Bus]: AuthenticatedHttpRequestMessage - 1346ms. Handler: AuthenticatedHttpRequestProcessor. [PID:04000:021 2015.09.10 13:13:45.740 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Worker #5]: AuthenticatedHttpRequestMessage - 1346ms. Q: 0/4. [PID:04000:021 2015.09.10 13:13:46.223 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MonitoringQueue]: GetFreshStats - 479ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:47.248 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:47.248 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:48.712 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:48.712 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:49.304 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CommittedEventDistributed - 63ms. Handler: EventReaderCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:49.304 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CommittedEventDistributed - 63ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:49.901 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: WriteEventsCompleted - 84ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:49.901 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: WriteEventsCompleted - 84ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 13:13:49.907 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: PurgeTimedOutRequests - 63ms. Handler: HttpService. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 13:13:49.907 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: PurgeTimedOutRequests - 69ms. Q: 0/6. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:13:51.179 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:13:51.179 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:13:53.815 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:13:53.815 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:53.977 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 63ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:53.977 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 63ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:56.641 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 62ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:13:56.641 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 63ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:57.219 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 99ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:57.219 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 99ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:59.429 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:13:59.429 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:01.004 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:01.004 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:14:02.978 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:14:02.978 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:04.750 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:04.750 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:05.282 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:05.282 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:05.902 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:05.902 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:024 2015.09.10 13:14:06.048 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageReaderQueue #1]: ReadStreamEventsForward - 201ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:07.295 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:07.295 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:13.279 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:13.279 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:15.837 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: ReadStreamEventsForwardCompleted - 94ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:15.837 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: ReadStreamEventsForwardCompleted - 94ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:14:17.065 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: ReadStreamEventsForwardCompleted - 121ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:14:17.065 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: ReadStreamEventsForwardCompleted - 121ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:19.388 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 112ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:19.388 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 112ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:21.944 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:21.944 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:24.807 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:24.807 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:26.583 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:26.583 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:32.241 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 51ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:32.241 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 51ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:14:33.557 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:14:33.557 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:41.225 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:41.225 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:14:41.556 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 149ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:14:41.556 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 149ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:005 2015.09.10 13:14:41.608 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageReaderQueue #1]: ReadStreamEventsForward - 202ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:44.652 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:14:44.652 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:45.096 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [Core Output]: ReadAllEventsForward - 74ms. Handler: RequestResponseQueueForwarder. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:45.098 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 100ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:45.098 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 112ms. Q: 0/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:14:46.111 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 79ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:14:46.111 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 79ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:54.213 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:54.213 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:57.225 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:14:57.225 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:14:59.913 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 72ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:14:59.913 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 73ms. Q: 0/3. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:15:00.922 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: GetStatistics - 91ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:15:00.922 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: GetStatistics - 91ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:15:03.597 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:15:03.597 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:15:05.126 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [Core Output]: ReadAllEventsForward - 62ms. Handler: RequestResponseQueueForwarder. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:15:05.126 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 62ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:15:05.126 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 62ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:15:05.991 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 51ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:15:05.991 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:15:12.448 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [ProjectionManagerAndCoreCoordinatorOutput]: Schedule - 85ms. Handler: TimerService. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:15:12.448 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: RegularTimeout - 85ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreCoordinator. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:15:12.448 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: RegularTimeout - 85ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:022 2015.09.10 13:15:16.660 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [SubscriptionsBus]: SubscribeToStream - 65ms. Handler: SubscriptionsService. [PID:04000:021 2015.09.10 13:15:17.963 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [Worker #3 Bus]: AuthenticatedHttpRequestMessage - 327ms. Handler: AuthenticatedHttpRequestProcessor. [PID:04000:021 2015.09.10 13:15:17.963 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Worker #3]: AuthenticatedHttpRequestMessage - 327ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:021 2015.09.10 13:15:32.717 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [SubscriptionsBus]: EventCommitted - 151ms. Handler: SubscriptionsService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:16:01.682 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 79ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:16:01.682 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 79ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:16:40.032 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: CleanupExpired - 178ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:16:40.032 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: CleanupExpired - 180ms. Q: 0/234. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:16:40.148 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: Dispose - 115ms. Handler: ProjectionManagerCommandWriter. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:16:40.148 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: Dispose - 115ms. Q: 232/234. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:17:34.882 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:17:34.882 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:17:35.066 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:17:35.066 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 58ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:17:36.091 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 345ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:17:36.091 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 345ms. Q: 1/33. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:17:36.524 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 432ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:17:36.524 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 432ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:17:36.645 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 118ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:17:36.645 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 118ms. Q: 27/31. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:17:36.858 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 59ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:17:36.858 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 59ms. Q: 0/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:19:08.541 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 53ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:19:08.541 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:21:41.958 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 58ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:21:41.958 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 58ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:21:42.530 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 74ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:21:42.530 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 74ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:21:46.388 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: GetStatistics - 69ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:21:46.388 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: GetStatistics - 69ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:21:54.875 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: GetResult - 139ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:21:54.875 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: GetResult - 139ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:019 2015.09.10 13:22:17.772 INFO TcpConnection ] ES TcpConnection closed [13:22:17.733: N127.0.0.1:57728, L127.0.0.1:1113, {ec35e3f6-4e98-4b77-bcdc-7e4b1ec10acf}]: Received bytes: 7567, Sent bytes: 2464887 Send calls: 427, callbacks: 427 Receive calls: 331, callbacks: 331 Close reason: [ConnectionReset] Socket receive error [PID:04000:019 2015.09.10 13:22:17.772 INFO TcpConnectionManager] Connection 'external-normal' [, {ec35e3f6-4e98-4b77-bcdc-7e4b1ec10acf}] closed: ConnectionReset. [PID:04000:024 2015.09.10 13:22:17.790 DEBUG PersistentSubscripti] Lost connection from [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:24:48.498 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 230ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:24:48.498 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 230ms. Q: 0/4. [PID:04000:009 2015.09.10 13:25:24.927 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageWriterQueue]: WritePrepares - 1010ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:25:25.559 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:25:25.559 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 48ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:020 2015.09.10 13:25:51.367 INFO TcpService ] External TCP connection accepted: [Normal,, L127.0.0.1:1113, {d2e8840c-c165-41a1-9356-c62125cc3855}]. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:26:01.911 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 74ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:26:01.911 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 74ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:26:05.530 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CommittedEventDistributed - 86ms. Handler: EventReaderCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:26:05.530 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CommittedEventDistributed - 86ms. Q: 111/112. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:26:07.200 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:26:07.200 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:26:07.849 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:26:07.849 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:009 2015.09.10 13:26:27.593 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageWriterQueue]: WritePrepares - 767ms. Q: 0/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:26:27.884 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:26:27.884 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:27:11.947 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [Core Output]: GetState - 48ms. Handler: F`1. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:27:11.947 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: ReadStreamEventsForwardCompleted - 49ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:27:11.947 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: ReadStreamEventsForwardCompleted - 49ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:27:28.331 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:27:28.331 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:27:28.567 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: RegularTimeout - 80ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreCoordinator. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:27:28.567 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: RegularTimeout - 135ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 13:27:28.567 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: ReadStreamEventsForward - 81ms. Handler: WideningHandler`2. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 13:27:28.567 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: ReadStreamEventsForward - 136ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:27:58.789 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:27:58.789 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:024 2015.09.10 13:28:41.443 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [Worker #1 Bus]: AuthenticatedHttpRequestMessage - 267ms. Handler: AuthenticatedHttpRequestProcessor. [PID:04000:024 2015.09.10 13:28:41.443 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Worker #1]: AuthenticatedHttpRequestMessage - 267ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:28:41.484 INFO ProjectionManager ] Updating '93126178-7546-4fb0-8368-2cc6b3465860' projection source to 'fromStream('AllSalesMusgrave_{DATE}') .when({ $init: function (s, e) { return { total: 0 } }, 'Tahoe.Eposity.DomainEvents.SalesTransactionSummaryAddedEvent': function (s, e) { s.total += e.data.SalesTransactionLineTotal; } });' (Requested type is: '') [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:28:41.681 INFO ProjectionManager ] Enabling '93126178-7546-4fb0-8368-2cc6b3465860' projection [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:28:41.843 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 65ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:28:41.843 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 65ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:28:57.767 INFO ProjectionManager ] Updating '93126178-7546-4fb0-8368-2cc6b3465860' projection source to 'fromStream('AllSalesMusgrave_20150910') .when({ $init: function (s, e) { return { total: 0 } }, 'Tahoe.Eposity.DomainEvents.SalesTransactionSummaryAddedEvent': function (s, e) { s.total += e.data.SalesTransactionLineTotal; } });' (Requested type is: '') [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:28:58.127 INFO ProjectionManager ] Enabling '93126178-7546-4fb0-8368-2cc6b3465860' projection [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:28:58.258 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 173ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:28:58.258 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 176ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:28:59.318 INFO ProjectionManager ] Disabling '93126178-7546-4fb0-8368-2cc6b3465860' projection [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:29:32.758 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 68ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:29:32.758 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 68ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 13:30:35.985 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: WritePrepares - 52ms. Q: 0/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:30:36.211 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 53ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:30:36.211 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:31:14.602 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: RegularTimeout - 113ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreCoordinator. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:31:14.602 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: RegularTimeout - 113ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:31:36.919 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:31:36.919 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 55ms. Q: 0/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:31:37.908 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:31:37.908 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:32:40.620 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 89ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:32:40.620 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 89ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:34:48.905 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 58ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:34:48.905 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 58ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 13:35:17.078 TRACE TwoPhaseRequestManag] IDEMPOTENT WRITE TO STREAM ClientCorrelationID 4a198e9f-54ad-4e57-9cf6-5975100eb5f5, EventStreamId: SalesTransactionAggregate_23a4e1e5-c182-49a1-943b-a18b444084e4, CorrelationId: 41eefd43-676c-4f32-83f4-57a5474d8e69, FirstEventNumber: 17, LastEventNumber: 17. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 13:35:17.078 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: AlreadyCommitted - 158ms. Handler: RequestManagementService. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 13:35:17.078 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: AlreadyCommitted - 158ms. Q: 0/4. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 13:35:17.078 TRACE TwoPhaseRequestManag] IDEMPOTENT WRITE TO STREAM ClientCorrelationID f62c9905-488d-4e39-88cd-ef0c62f8a173, EventStreamId: SalesTransactionAggregate_23a4e1e5-c182-49a1-943b-a18b444084e4, CorrelationId: 3d38fdb6-71bf-48a6-883b-d4da5e4575c4, FirstEventNumber: 18, LastEventNumber: 18. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:35:19.162 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 138ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:35:19.162 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 138ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:35:20.858 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 58ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:35:20.858 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 58ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:35:51.046 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 65ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:35:51.046 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 65ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:020 2015.09.10 13:36:15.014 INFO TcpService ] External TCP connection accepted: [Normal,, L127.0.0.1:1113, {d76e71b4-f7ab-42c2-9f66-44d60c2e8273}]. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:41:01.551 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:41:01.551 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 49ms. Q: 0/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:41:32.824 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 120ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:41:32.824 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 120ms. Q: 0/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:41:33.069 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 50ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:41:33.069 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 50ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:42:03.735 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 52ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:42:03.735 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 52ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:42:03.751 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:42:03.751 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:42:05.576 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: GetStatistics - 82ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:42:05.576 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: GetStatistics - 129ms. Q: 0/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:43:37.418 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:43:37.418 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 65ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:45:13.755 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 51ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:45:13.755 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 51ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:46:18.597 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:46:18.597 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:47:20.606 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 53ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:47:20.606 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 53ms. Q: 1/6. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:47:21.592 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CommittedEventReceived - 50ms. Handler: Subscriber`1. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:47:21.592 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CommittedEventReceived - 50ms. Q: 69/69. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:47:24.172 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 73ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:47:24.172 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 73ms. Q: 0/6. [PID:04000:021 2015.09.10 13:49:20.403 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MonitoringQueue]: GetFreshStats - 114ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:49:27.609 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 13:49:27.609 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:49:45.941 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: RegularTimeout - 67ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreCoordinator. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 13:49:45.941 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: RegularTimeout - 68ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:52:02.344 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 13:52:02.344 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:56:11.448 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 13:56:11.448 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 48ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:00:46.850 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 67ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:00:46.850 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 67ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:03:20.795 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:03:20.795 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 50ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:04:21.518 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:04:21.518 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:05:24.055 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:05:24.055 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:020 2015.09.10 14:09:22.228 INFO TcpConnection ] ES TcpConnection closed [14:09:22.178: N127.0.0.1:58905, L127.0.0.1:1113, {d76e71b4-f7ab-42c2-9f66-44d60c2e8273}]: Received bytes: 22767, Sent bytes: 119578 Send calls: 963, callbacks: 963 Receive calls: 964, callbacks: 964 Close reason: [ConnectionReset] Socket receive error [PID:04000:020 2015.09.10 14:09:22.228 INFO TcpConnectionManager] Connection 'external-normal' [, {d76e71b4-f7ab-42c2-9f66-44d60c2e8273}] closed: ConnectionReset. [PID:04000:024 2015.09.10 14:09:22.228 DEBUG PersistentSubscripti] Lost connection from [PID:04000:009 2015.09.10 14:09:59.505 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageWriterQueue]: WritePrepares - 642ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:009 2015.09.10 14:10:02.656 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageWriterQueue]: WritePrepares - 1045ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:10:02.925 INFO CoreProjectionCheckp] Failed to write events to stream AllSalesMusgrave_20150910. Error: CommitTimeout [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:10:02.925 INFO CoreProjectionCheckp] Retrying write to AllSalesMusgrave_20150910 [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:10:02.925 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: WriteEventsCompleted - 249ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:10:02.925 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: WriteEventsCompleted - 250ms. Q: 2/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:10:02.925 INFO CoreProjectionCheckp] Failed to write events to stream AllSalesMusgrave_201509. Error: CommitTimeout [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:10:02.925 INFO CoreProjectionCheckp] Retrying write to AllSalesMusgrave_201509 [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 14:10:03.210 TRACE TwoPhaseRequestManag] IDEMPOTENT WRITE TO STREAM ClientCorrelationID 61695dff-186a-4967-aa09-c145b7d1d129, EventStreamId: $projections-$master, CorrelationId: 61695dff-186a-4967-aa09-c145b7d1d129, FirstEventNumber: 15863, LastEventNumber: 15863. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 14:10:03.210 TRACE TwoPhaseRequestManag] IDEMPOTENT WRITE TO STREAM ClientCorrelationID 5757fb98-1e72-46d0-a7fe-a9e747764fa8, EventStreamId: $projections-$master, CorrelationId: 5757fb98-1e72-46d0-a7fe-a9e747764fa8, FirstEventNumber: 15862, LastEventNumber: 15862. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 14:10:03.210 TRACE TwoPhaseRequestManag] IDEMPOTENT WRITE TO STREAM ClientCorrelationID caff1527-8d6f-4899-9418-94cd4a6ea2d5, EventStreamId: AllSalesMusgrave_20150910, CorrelationId: caff1527-8d6f-4899-9418-94cd4a6ea2d5, FirstEventNumber: 754, LastEventNumber: 754. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 14:10:03.210 TRACE TwoPhaseRequestManag] IDEMPOTENT WRITE TO STREAM ClientCorrelationID c00d6528-7af8-49ef-bf93-f3f4eb43c432, EventStreamId: AllSalesMusgrave_201509, CorrelationId: c00d6528-7af8-49ef-bf93-f3f4eb43c432, FirstEventNumber: 754, LastEventNumber: 754. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:10:04.370 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 365ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:10:04.370 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 366ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 14:13:41.165 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: RegularTimeout - 81ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:17:42.282 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:17:42.282 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:19:16.427 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 197ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:19:16.427 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 197ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:19:17.176 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:19:17.176 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:19:48.521 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 69ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:19:48.521 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 69ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:20:51.130 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:20:51.130 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:21:53.680 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 58ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:21:53.680 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 58ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:22:26.968 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:22:26.968 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:23:00.242 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 51ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:23:00.242 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 51ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:24:32.626 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:24:32.626 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:25:05.349 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:25:05.349 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 48ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:25:36.742 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 74ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:25:36.742 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 75ms. Q: 0/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:25:39.216 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 88ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:25:39.216 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 88ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:26:10.204 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 63ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:26:10.204 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:27:14.400 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: WriteEventsCompleted - 63ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:27:14.400 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: WriteEventsCompleted - 63ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:27:44.069 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:27:44.069 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:27:44.949 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 64ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:27:44.949 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CoreTick - 64ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:29:19.665 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 71ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:29:19.665 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 71ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:31:23.338 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CommittedEventDistributed - 235ms. Handler: EventReaderCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:31:23.338 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CommittedEventDistributed - 235ms. Q: 0/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:31:23.754 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CheckpointSuggested - 415ms. Handler: Subscriber`1. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:31:23.754 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CheckpointSuggested - 416ms. Q: 4/9. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:31:23.877 TRACE CoreProjectionCheckp] Writing checkpoint for AllSales at C:18750871/P:18750871 with expected version number -1 [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:31:23.888 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: WriteEventsCompleted - 134ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:31:23.888 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: WriteEventsCompleted - 134ms. Q: 2/5. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:31:23.950 TRACE CoreProjectionCheckp] Checkpoint has been written for projection AllSales at sequence number 0 (current) [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 14:31:24.651 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: GetStatistics - 53ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 14:31:24.651 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: GetStatistics - 53ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:31:25.285 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 70ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:31:25.285 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 70ms. Q: 0/112. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:31:57.825 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 77ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:31:57.825 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 77ms. Q: 0/112. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:33:29.175 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:33:29.175 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:34:00.211 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:34:00.211 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 14:34:02.564 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: RegularTimeout - 81ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreCoordinator. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 14:34:02.564 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: RegularTimeout - 158ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 14:34:02.564 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: ReadStreamEventsForward - 81ms. Handler: WideningHandler`2. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 14:34:02.564 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: ReadStreamEventsForward - 159ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:34:31.972 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 62ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:34:31.972 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 62ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:34:33.263 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:34:33.263 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CoreTick - 57ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:36:43.392 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:36:43.392 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 59ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:36:44.904 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:36:44.904 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 56ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:37:18.499 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:37:18.499 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:37:49.782 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:37:49.782 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:37:52.715 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 48ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:37:52.715 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 48ms. Q: 0/112. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:38:22.876 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 88ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:38:22.876 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 88ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:38:24.877 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 73ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:38:24.877 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 73ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:38:25.657 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:38:25.657 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 58ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:39:24.757 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:39:24.757 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 58ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:021 2015.09.10 14:39:25.288 TRACE QueuedHandlerThreadP] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageReaderQueue #1]: ReadStreamEventsForward - 227ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:43:14.981 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 87ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:43:14.981 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 88ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:44:47.493 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 63ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:44:47.493 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 63ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:44:48.598 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:44:48.598 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:45:20.452 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 59ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:45:20.452 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CoreTick - 59ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:45:52.800 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:45:52.800 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 65ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:47:25.966 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 268ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:47:25.966 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 268ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:47:28.737 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:47:28.737 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:49:00.890 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:49:00.890 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:49:01.220 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 76ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:49:01.220 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 77ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:50:01.753 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 84ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:50:01.753 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 84ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:53:38.351 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 76ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 14:53:38.351 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 76ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:53:39.037 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 57ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 14:53:39.037 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 58ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 14:53:39.424 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: ReadStreamEventsForward - 81ms. Handler: WideningHandler`2. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 14:53:39.424 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: ReadStreamEventsForward - 132ms. Q: 0/4. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 14:53:39.424 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: RegularTimeout - 81ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreCoordinator. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 14:53:39.424 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: RegularTimeout - 134ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:56:46.423 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 14:56:46.423 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Q: 1/6. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:00:22.511 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 91ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:00:22.511 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 91ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:00:53.537 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 71ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:00:53.537 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 71ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:00:54.636 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:00:54.636 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:01:28.145 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 81ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:01:28.145 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 81ms. Q: 1/5. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 15:02:00.441 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: GetStatistics - 61ms. Handler: ProjectionManager. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 15:02:00.441 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: GetStatistics - 61ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:02:00.893 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 104ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:02:00.893 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 104ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:03:31.243 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 70ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:03:31.243 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 70ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:03:31.521 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 48ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:03:31.521 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 49ms. Q: 0/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:05:39.145 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: WriteEventsCompleted - 49ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:05:39.145 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: WriteEventsCompleted - 50ms. Q: 2/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:06:41.110 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:06:41.110 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 15:06:52.037 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: RegularTimeout - 173ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreCoordinator. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 15:06:52.044 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: RegularTimeout - 177ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:07:10.509 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 65ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:07:10.509 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 65ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:07:11.261 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 49ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:07:11.261 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 51ms. Q: 0/113. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 15:07:11.321 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: ReadStreamEventsForward - 107ms. Handler: WideningHandler`2. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 15:07:11.321 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: ReadStreamEventsForward - 107ms. Q: 0/0. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 15:07:11.327 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: RegularTimeout - 85ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreCoordinator. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 15:07:11.327 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: RegularTimeout - 86ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:07:11.558 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 181ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:07:11.558 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 181ms. Q: 0/114. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:07:11.636 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 180ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:07:11.636 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 180ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 15:07:11.636 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [manager input bus]: ReadStreamEventsForwardCompleted - 257ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:04000:012 2015.09.10 15:07:11.636 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projections Master]: ReadStreamEventsForwardCompleted - 257ms. Q: 0/3. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 15:07:11.636 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: WriteEvents - 247ms. Handler: RequestManagementService. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 15:07:11.636 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: WriteEvents - 257ms. Q: 1/18. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:08:15.011 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:08:15.011 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 15:08:15.849 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: RequestForwardingTimerTick - 48ms. Handler: RequestForwardingService. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 15:08:15.849 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: RequestForwardingTimerTick - 49ms. Q: 0/1. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:08:45.674 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:08:45.674 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:10:19.780 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 81ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:10:19.780 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 81ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:009 2015.09.10 15:10:51.094 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [StorageWriterQueue]: WritePrepares - 654ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:10:52.293 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 100ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:10:52.293 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CoreTick - 100ms. Q: 0/5. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:12:24.534 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 84ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:12:24.534 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 84ms. Q: 1/3. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:13:24.819 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 63ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:13:24.819 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 63ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:020 2015.09.10 15:14:32.894 INFO TcpService ] External TCP connection accepted: [Normal,, L127.0.0.1:1113, {c83da4d4-1af9-4872-97dc-da3e313112b7}]. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:16:33.359 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:16:33.359 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 55ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:011 2015.09.10 15:17:31.041 TRACE TwoPhaseRequestManag] IDEMPOTENT WRITE TO STREAM ClientCorrelationID fe5d6fe1-5c9d-48ff-b0bb-ce263c0224de, EventStreamId: SalesTransactionAggregate_5dd7cc65-79ed-4f5e-a3c6-29c35254d51f, CorrelationId: c8368d19-14f3-44a0-b1bc-021fe312e738, FirstEventNumber: 0, LastEventNumber: 0. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:18:05.932 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:18:05.932 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 50ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:18:37.011 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:18:37.011 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:19:06.397 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:19:06.397 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 61ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:19:40.439 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 64ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:19:40.439 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 65ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:21:16.131 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 68ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:21:16.131 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 68ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:21:48.868 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 51ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:21:48.868 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 52ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:21:49.783 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 92ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:21:49.783 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 92ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:22:49.621 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:22:49.621 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:23:20.899 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 76ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:014 2015.09.10 15:23:20.899 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 76ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:23:51.314 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:23:51.314 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 54ms. Q: 1/5. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:24:53.010 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [Core Output]: ReadAllEventsForward - 60ms. Handler: RequestResponseQueueForwarder. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:24:53.010 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 61ms. Handler: UnwrapEnvelopeHandler. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:24:53.010 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: UnwrapEnvelopeMessage - 61ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:25:56.723 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:015 2015.09.10 15:25:56.723 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #1]: CreateAndPrepare - 49ms. Q: 1/4. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:25:57.787 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:04000:016 2015.09.10 15:25:57.787 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #2]: CreateAndPrepare - 60ms. Q: 1/4.