[PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:27.819 INFO ProgramBase`1 ] ES VERSION: (master/549d96219418572625b2f68d46ec809d9e86f7df, Thu, 1 Aug 2013 18:26:54 +0100) OS: Windows (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0) RUNTIME: .NET 4.0.30319.34003 (64-bit) GC: 3 GENERATIONS LOGS: C:\eventstore-net-2.0.1\logs SHOW HELP: False () SHOW VERSION: False () LOGS DIR: ./logs (--logsdir from command line) CONFIGS: () DEFINES: () IP: () TCP PORT: 1113 () SECURE TCP PORT: 0 () HTTP PORT: 2113 () STATS PERIOD SEC: 30 () CACHED CHUNKS: -1 () CHUNKS CACHE SIZE: 536871424 () MIN FLUSH DELAY MS: 2 () DB PATH: ./db (--db from command line) SKIP DB VERIFY: False () RUN PROJECTIONS: System () PROJECTION THREADS: 3 () WORKER THREADS: 5 () HTTP PREFIXES: () ENABLE TRUSTED AUTH: False () CERTIFICATE STORE: () CERTIFICATE NAME: () CERTIFICATE FILE: () CERTIFICATE PASSWORD: () PREPARE TIMEOUT MS: 2000 () COMMIT TIMEOUT MS: 2000 () FORCE: False () [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:27.870 INFO ProgramBase`1 ] DATABASE: C:\eventstore-net-2.0.1\db WRITER CHECKPOINT: 0 (0x0) CHASER CHECKPOINT: 0 (0x0) EPOCH CHECKPOINT: -1 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) TRUNCATE CHECKPOINT: -1 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.001 TRACE MessageHierarchy ] MessageHierarchy initialization took 00:00:00.0870163. [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.099 TRACE TFChunk ] CACHED TFChunk #0-0 (chunk-000000.000000) in 00:00:00.0042165. [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 INFO MiniWeb ] Starting MiniWeb for /web/es/js/projections ==> C:\eventstore-net-2.0.1\singlenode-web\js\projections [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 INFO MiniWeb ] Starting MiniWeb for /web/es/js/projections/v8/Prelude ==> C:\eventstore-net-2.0.1\Prelude [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 INFO MiniWeb ] Starting MiniWeb for /web/es/js/projections/resources ==> C:\eventstore-net-2.0.1\web-resources\js [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 TRACE MiniWeb ] Binding MiniWeb to /web/es/js/projections/{*remaining_path} [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 TRACE MiniWeb ] Binding MiniWeb to /web/es/js/projections/v8/Prelude/{*remaining_path} [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 TRACE MiniWeb ] Binding MiniWeb to /web/es/js/projections/resources/{*remaining_path} [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 INFO MiniWeb ] Starting MiniWeb for /web ==> C:\eventstore-net-2.0.1\singlenode-web [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 INFO MiniWeb ] Starting MiniWeb for /web/es ==> C:\eventstore-net-2.0.1\es-common-web [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 TRACE MiniWeb ] Binding MiniWeb to /web/{*remaining_path} [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 TRACE MiniWeb ] Binding MiniWeb to /web/es/{*remaining_path} [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 INFO MiniWeb ] Starting MiniWeb for /web/users ==> C:\eventstore-net-2.0.1\Users\web [PID:05368:001 2013.12.20 19:48:28.245 TRACE MiniWeb ] Binding MiniWeb to /web/users/{*remaining_path} [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:28.269 INFO SingleVNodeControlle] ========== [] SYSTEM INIT... [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:28.285 INFO TcpServerListener ] Starting Normal TCP listening on TCP endpoint: [PID:05368:007 2013.12.20 19:48:28.326 INFO ReadIndex ] TableIndex initialization... [PID:05368:007 2013.12.20 19:48:28.326 INFO ReadIndex ] ReadIndex building... [PID:05368:007 2013.12.20 19:48:28.338 DEBUG ReadIndex ] ReadIndex Rebuilding Done: total processed 0 records, time elapsed: 00:00:00.0019989. [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:28.338 INFO HttpAsyncServer ] Starting HTTP server on []... [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:28.355 INFO HttpAsyncServer ] HTTP server is up and listening on [] [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:28.355 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: SystemInit - 68ms. Handler: HttpService. [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:28.374 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: SystemInit - 107ms. Q: 0/4. [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:28.374 INFO SingleVNodeControlle] ========== [] SYSTEM START.... [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:28.394 INFO SingleVNodeControlle] ========== [] PRE-MASTER STATE, WAITING FOR CHASER TO CATCH UP... [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:28.394 INFO SingleVNodeControlle] ========== [] IS WORKING!!! SPARTA!!! [PID:05368:012 2013.12.20 19:48:28.467 INFO ProjectionManager ] Projection manager is initializing from the empty $projections-$all stream [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:28.504 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 52ms. Handler: RequestResponseDispatcher`2. [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:28.504 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MainQueue]: ReadStreamEventsBackwardCompleted - 52ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:05368:007 2013.12.20 19:48:28.618 DEBUG EpochManager ] === Writing E0@0:{1d5a3dbf-a2ec-41ed-98b8-3b7b6e6e6233} (previous epoch at -1). [PID:05368:007 2013.12.20 19:48:28.696 DEBUG EpochManager ] === Update Last Epoch E0@0:{1d5a3dbf-a2ec-41ed-98b8-3b7b6e6e6233} (previous epoch at -1). [PID:05368:010 2013.12.20 19:48:29.189 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [MonitoringQueue]: SystemInit - 898ms. Q: 0/2. [PID:05368:009 2013.12.20 19:48:29.267 INFO UserManagementServic] 'admin' user account has been created [PID:05368:010 2013.12.20 19:48:29.277 TRACE MonitoringService ] Created stats stream '$stats-', code = Success [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.394 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CreateAndPrepare - 100ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.394 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CreateAndPrepare - 100ms. Q: 0/8. [PID:05368:012 2013.12.20 19:48:29.433 INFO ProjectionManager ] '$streams' projection source has been written [PID:05368:012 2013.12.20 19:48:29.433 INFO ProjectionManager ] '$by_category' projection source has been written [PID:05368:012 2013.12.20 19:48:29.450 INFO ProjectionManager ] '$users' projection source has been written [PID:05368:012 2013.12.20 19:48:29.450 INFO ProjectionManager ] '$stream_by_category' projection source has been written [PID:05368:012 2013.12.20 19:48:29.492 INFO ProjectionManager ] '$by_event_type' projection source has been written [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.510 TRACE EventReorderingReade] Creating an event distribution point at 'C:0/P:-1; $UserCreated: -1; ' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.528 TRACE ProjectionCoreServic] The 'fd006e3e-4605-47b3-a6e3-e4a1a9c0b004' projection subscribed to the 'bfbcf507-e0e5-40c8-9b01-14376d558f14' distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.696 TRACE EventReorderingReade] Creating an event distribution point at 'C:0/P:-1' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.697 TRACE ProjectionCoreServic] The 'f073c76b-a389-4187-9173-09aa34766b88' projection subscribed to the '212c9f35-0d5f-4c3d-bb95-40ef5043d679' distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.697 TRACE EventReorderingReade] Creating an event distribution point at 'C:0/P:-1' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.697 TRACE ProjectionCoreServic] The '015bbeaa-6c20-46df-8d59-cdc8f08933f4' projection subscribed to the '687a2908-5867-4735-9680-7b3e85bef717' distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.718 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The 'f073c76b-a389-4187-9173-09aa34766b88' subscription has joined the heading distribution point at '631' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.718 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The 'f073c76b-a389-4187-9173-09aa34766b88' projection subscribed to the '6e0e5890-663e-4c4a-9927-bdc18a10793f' heading distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.752 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The '015bbeaa-6c20-46df-8d59-cdc8f08933f4' subscription has joined the heading distribution point at '631' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.752 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The '015bbeaa-6c20-46df-8d59-cdc8f08933f4' projection subscribed to the '6e0e5890-663e-4c4a-9927-bdc18a10793f' heading distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The 'f073c76b-a389-4187-9173-09aa34766b88' subscription has unsubscribed from the '6e0e5890-663e-4c4a-9927-bdc18a10793f' heading distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE EventReorderingReade] Creating an event distribution point at 'C:8013/P:6889' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE ProjectionCoreServic] The 'f073c76b-a389-4187-9173-09aa34766b88' subscription has unsubscribed (reader: 3e335dad-d346-47dc-9670-2db2e1e95a8e) [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE EventReorderingReade] Creating an event distribution point at 'C:0/P:-1' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE ProjectionCoreServic] The 'abaa2b58-0973-48d1-ade6-d75621bac87d' projection subscribed to the 'f6f10cd0-c722-4cd4-8640-01d991ee7765' distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE EventReorderingReade] Creating an event distribution point at 'C:0/P:-1' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE ProjectionCoreServic] The '18088abb-27e7-43b0-ae98-b0d4311537a4' projection subscribed to the '51e391fe-78b2-468c-8758-6577660f102f' distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The '015bbeaa-6c20-46df-8d59-cdc8f08933f4' subscription has unsubscribed from the '6e0e5890-663e-4c4a-9927-bdc18a10793f' heading distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE EventReorderingReade] Creating an event distribution point at 'C:8013/P:6889' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE ProjectionCoreServic] The '015bbeaa-6c20-46df-8d59-cdc8f08933f4' subscription has unsubscribed (reader: b2b68b2b-3640-4b6f-a631-61808349426d) [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The 'abaa2b58-0973-48d1-ade6-d75621bac87d' subscription has joined the heading distribution point at '2186' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The 'abaa2b58-0973-48d1-ade6-d75621bac87d' projection subscribed to the '6e0e5890-663e-4c4a-9927-bdc18a10793f' heading distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The 'abaa2b58-0973-48d1-ade6-d75621bac87d' subscription has unsubscribed from the '6e0e5890-663e-4c4a-9927-bdc18a10793f' heading distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE EventReorderingReade] Creating an event distribution point at 'C:8013/P:6889' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE ProjectionCoreServic] The 'abaa2b58-0973-48d1-ade6-d75621bac87d' subscription has unsubscribed (reader: b32b49b8-dca3-4161-bbfb-17ed2aed6362) [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The '18088abb-27e7-43b0-ae98-b0d4311537a4' subscription has joined the heading distribution point at '2186' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The '18088abb-27e7-43b0-ae98-b0d4311537a4' projection subscribed to the '6e0e5890-663e-4c4a-9927-bdc18a10793f' heading distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The '18088abb-27e7-43b0-ae98-b0d4311537a4' subscription has unsubscribed from the '6e0e5890-663e-4c4a-9927-bdc18a10793f' heading distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE EventReorderingReade] Creating an event distribution point at 'C:8013/P:6889' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:29.759 TRACE ProjectionCoreServic] The '18088abb-27e7-43b0-ae98-b0d4311537a4' subscription has unsubscribed (reader: 274726e4-4482-4685-a3bb-80efd2c278b2) [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:30.056 TRACE InMemoryBus ] SLOW BUS MSG [bus]: CoreTick - 53ms. Handler: ProjectionCoreService. [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:30.056 TRACE QueuedHandlerMRES ] SLOW QUEUE MSG [Projection Core #0]: CoreTick - 53ms. Q: 0/7. [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:30.056 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The 'fd006e3e-4605-47b3-a6e3-e4a1a9c0b004' subscription has joined the heading distribution point at '8013' [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:30.056 TRACE HeadingEventReader ] The 'fd006e3e-4605-47b3-a6e3-e4a1a9c0b004' projection subscribed to the '6e0e5890-663e-4c4a-9927-bdc18a10793f' heading distribution point [PID:05368:013 2013.12.20 19:48:30.056 TRACE ProjectionCoreServic] The 'fd006e3e-4605-47b3-a6e3-e4a1a9c0b004' is subscribing to the heading distribution point with TF-EOF marker event at '8013'