Update to v2 and Standard Projections

Hi Jeremie,

We’d be happy to include a powershell script as an alternative for windows users if you’re happy to make it available!




I made it standalone so that it runs on any Windows box with PowerShell 3

I post it as soon as it’s good enough…

jeremie / thinkbeforecoding

The script is ready… How would you like me to share it ?

I made a gist for it:


The script can be run several time, no danger, it only upgrades what has not been upgraded yet…

If you prefere a pull request on the EventStore repository, tell me where you’d like it to be…

jeremie / thinkeforecoding


If you want to pull request I’d stick it in src/EventStore/Scripts/upgradeProjections, otherwise I can copy it in? Don’t mind either way :slight_smile:



in the dev branch ?

jeremie / thinkbeforecoding

Yes, thanks

ok done !

jeremie / thinkbeforecoding