stays always at 10 in both scenarios
Put an issue up and we will take care of it.
Could you explain the expected behaviour of readBatchSize?
How does it relate to the “count” query param used when reading a stream via a persistent subscription?
readbatchsize talks about how many events the internal subscription
code should read at a time when in paging mode.
bufferSize is the size of the buffer maintained by the internal
subscription (it works asynchronously)
liveBufferSize is the size of the buffer of live messages maintained
The only interaction you may have is if you are reading too slowly for
your requests coming in it might return nothing then return something
I have some time to finish the competing consumers implementation this week.
Here is a quick question:
Does (n)ackAll apply on the listed messages or all messages, even those of eventually paginated messages?
Also, how would you use the “retry” action? Isn’t that behaviour built into nack?
And same goes for ack and skip action?
Does (n)ackAll apply on the listed messages or all messages, even
those of eventually paginated messages?
It applies to all in the current request that you have. If you look at
the URI you can see the msgids in it.
ACK is acknowledge
the others are to override the logic defined on the subscription eg.
If you have retries set to 5 and then you NAK -> park message it will
not retry 5 times but will instead immediately park the message. Skip
basically says "don't park it just continue". There are reasons a
subscriber may explicitly want to control such things.