I noticed this the other day, but forgot to report it. The recently created streams returns a 404 in the webui.
I’m on OSX.
I noticed this the other day, but forgot to report it. The recently created streams returns a 404 in the webui.
I’m on OSX.
Thank you Brian,
Since that requires the $streams projection to be running we should improve the UI and not be making that request in the UI if that projection is not enabled and running.
Why does enable projection request returns 404 for $streams ?
See previous post re: url encoding
http -a admin:changeit POST ‘’
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-Forwarded-Host, X-PINGOTHER, Authorization, ES-LongPoll, ES-ExpectedVersion, ES-EventId, ES-EventType, ES-RequiresMaster, ES-HardDelete, ES-ResolveLinkTo, ES-ExpectedVersion
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Location, ES-Position
Content-Length: 9
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Keep-Alive: timeout=15,max=100
Server: Mono-HTTPAPI/1.0
Not Found
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-Forwarded-Host, X-PINGOTHER, Authorization, ES-LongPoll, ES-ExpectedVersion, ES-EventId, ES-EventType, ES-RequiresMaster, ES-HardDelete, ES-ResolveLinkTo, ES-ExpectedVersion
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Location, ES-Position
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, must-revalidate
Content-Length: 2376
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Keep-Alive: timeout=15,max=100
Server: Mono-HTTPAPI/1.0
Vary: Accept
"members": [
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"lastCommitPosition": 503152035,
"nodePriority": 0,
"state": "Slave",
"timeStamp": "2016-02-12T13:27:36.373871Z",
"writerCheckpoint": 503152638
"chaserCheckpoint": 503152638,
"epochId": "1a4974da-e5b4-404b-bdcb-aaaa7a9dc726",
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"internalTcpPort": 1111,
"isAlive": true,
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"nodePriority": 0,
"state": "Slave",
"timeStamp": "2016-02-12T13:27:36.108819Z",
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"isAlive": true,
"lastCommitPosition": 503152035,
"nodePriority": 0,
"state": "Master",
"timeStamp": "2016-02-12T13:27:36.111237Z",
"writerCheckpoint": 503152638
"serverIp": "",
"serverPort": 2113
What is the result of
curl -i -X GET -u admin:changeit
If you see $streams in there and the status is Stopped
you should be should be able to enable it by running the following.
curl -i -X POST -d {} -u admin:changeit
Example response.
curl -i -X POST -d {} http://localhost:2113/projection/%24streams/command/enable -u admin:changeit
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-Forwarded-Host, X-PINGOTHER, Authorization, ES-LongPoll, ES-ExpectedVersion, ES-EventId, ES-EventType, ES-RequiresMaster, ES-HardDelete, ES-ResolveLinkTo, ES-ExpectedVersion
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Location, ES-Position
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Server: Mono-HTTPAPI/1.0
Content-Length: 44
Keep-Alive: timeout=15,max=100
“msgTypeId”: 277,
“name”: “$streams”
All I see is $by_category, $stream_by_category and a couple of my projections. There is no $streams.
Are you running commands to .11 (master?)
Yes. Result is the same on all nodes.
I'd say we need to see some logs (preferably from a restart with debug
level enabled) to look further at anything